Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanks Rob Coffman and Club Meeting Reminder

Rob Coffman has offered to do the Turkey Trot. Thanks Rob!! The race is a 5k run/walk (predict your time, no watches allowed) at Moore Park on Saturday November 27, 10:00 AM. Sign up day of the race , 9:30 or so. Entry fee is a cash donation or a childs Christmas gift. All proceeds will go to the Gospel Mission.

Snowflake Mile is December 9th.

The Raindeer Romp will be December 18. More info to follow.

We will have Wednesday night run/walk get together tonight at 6:00 PM, Veterans Park. The Club meeting will follow at 7:00 at 133 North 4th. Nomination for Officers and next years races are on the agenda. Hope to see many of you there.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Election of officers and other information

Runners and walkers,

The next meeting of the Linkville Lopers will be Wednesday November 17, at 7:00 PM at 133 North 4th. We will have nominations for officers. If necessary, we will vote at the December meeting. All positions are open. President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and three Board members. These are two year terms. As far back as I recall we haven't had voting as we are lucky to just get people to volunteer for these positions. If you or anyone you know would be interested, please come to our meeting. Our current officers are Homer Garich, President; Chad Elbert, Vice President; Jeff Franklin, Secretary/Treasurer; and Board members Scott Murchison, Denny Brumback and Jeff Sparks.

We are desperately looking for a race director for the annual Turkey Trot to be held on Saturday November 27 at Moore Park. This does not involve a lot of time. 2-3 hours on race day. If anyone is interested please contact me. email or phone at 882-1453 or 281-3838.

Registration forms are out for the Snowflake Mile to be held on Thursday December 9 at 6:45 PM. I think most schools will have them as well some local businesses. For information call Marvin Dykstra 331-5737


Monday, November 1, 2010

Spud Run Results.

I know this is a bit late, but better late than never. Thanks to all that participated. We hope you enjoyed yourself.

5 mile;

1. Troy Crowell, 29:38;
2. Misael Flores, 33:00;
3. Linda Hartman, 34:00;
4. Brandon Chase, 34:33;
5. Amber Bradley, 37:04;
6. Uwe Britsch, 37:11;
7. Aaron Kuhlman, 37:35;
8. Anu Campbell, 38:19;
9. Lucas Lembrick, 40:40;
10. Mark Godbey, 40:43;
11. Fred Ginestar, 40:57;
12. Robert Sayler, 40:57;
13. Kayla Swingle, 41:46;
14. Kara Ginestar, 41:54;
15. Denny Brumbeck, 41:57;
16. Kalistah Cosand, 42:44;
17. Gene Richardson, 42:46;
18. Tim Newnham, 43:38;
19. Eric Noble, 43:57;
20. Jeff Chase, 44:46;
21. Tom Romig, 45:00;
22. Meghan Esbenshade, 45:17;
23. Brenda Clemens, 45:27;
24. Tim Clemens, 45:27;
25. Joe Jertberg, 45:31;
26. Mike Noonan, 46:28;
27. Melody Meyer, 46:34;
28. Gina Alvis, 47:15;
29. Mollie Williams, 47:34;
30. Sally Taylor-Villar, 47:56;
31. Theresa Ross, 47:56;
32. Timothy Underwood, 50:31;
33. Sherrie Chase, 55:27.

1 mile

1. Tyler Park, 5:23;
2. Chelsea O'Grady, 8:01;
3. Gloria Steiner, 8:20;
4. Haley Steiner, 8:30;
5. Nishi Chase, 8:34;
6. Krista Chase, 8:34;
7. Gian Christmas, 9:54;
8. Julia Flocchini, 10:30;
9. Candence Nelson, 10:47;
10. Josh Nelson, 10:47;
11. Tamera Cosand, 12:00;
12. Michael Wagner, 12:48;
13. Duane Newnham, 12:49;
14. Pat Brumback, 12:55;
15. Sarah Chase, 16:20;
16. Susan Dowling, 17:03;
17. Enver Bozgoz, 17:20;
18. John Dowling, 17:28;
19. Cindy Newnham, 18:45;
20. Jessica Singleton, 18:47;
21. Matt Ertle,19:10;
22. Ashley Ertle, 19:18;
23. Jill Bisno, 19:18;
24. Julie Westenberg, 19:19;
25. John Burke, 22:43.