Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Turkey Trot

On November 28th, the Linkville Lopers will be hosting the annual Turkey Trot 5k at Moore Park, 10AM (time may change).

Hope to see you there.


  1. I'll be in town from Bend for Thanksgiving and would like to run this but I can't find any info on where to register, how much, etc. Could you let me know?

  2. Hello fsybrant,

    Registration is on race day before the race. Basically put down your name, a donation to the cause (Homer are we donating entries to the Mission for this race also, or just the Reindee Romp? Somewhere in the neighborhood of $5), and at the finish, make sure that you report to the clipboard person which place you were. Very casual.

    We are looking forward to seeing (all of) you!
