Monday, February 16, 2009

Linkville Lopers Running & Walking Club
2/11/2009 7:00 P.M.
Linkville Loper General Monthly Meeting

Type of meeting:


1.Homer Garich, 2.Pam Garich, 3.Deana Dixon, 4.Randy Bailey, 5.Marlene Keppen, 6.Vic Versteeg, 7.Chad Elbert, 8.Eric Wakkuri, 9.Gary Smeltzer, 10.John Sarabia, 11. Andy Sedlock, 12. Jon Osborne, 13.Rob Coffman, 14. Janessa Taylor, 15. Peggy Blofsky, 16. Alexis Deutscher, 17.Jeff Franklin
1. Financial Report (Homer)
2. Membership status (Homer)
3. Road Runners Sports of America
4. Marketing/Community Involvement
a. Membership/event info available at Pear Blossom and Medford functions.
b. Couples Shuffle 2/14/2009
c. Rogue River Half-Marathon 2/21/2009
5. Mission statement/By-Laws (Update)
6. Website development
a. Jon Osborne/Jeff Sparks
7. Event race directors
a. Who are they, which raced need directors?
b. Responsibilities
8. Training runs (Jeff F)
9. Moore Mountain Runs (Gary)
10. Moore Park Volunteer Day May 16th 9/12/2009
11. May 5k/kids run (Alexis)
12. Equipment use donations
13. Other business?

New Business
1. Homer announced that the Lopers had $1556.00 in the account at the time of the meeting
2. We have 39 memberships at the time of the meeting. (Approximately 72 members).
3. Homer updated the Road Runners Club of America contact information concerning the new races added this year, insuring that they would be covered by the clubs insurance.
4. The Lopers By-Laws now only require three board members and they were updated to include walkers. It was also amended to state that if the club were to dissolve the funds would be awarded to a local high school runner in the form of a onetime scholarship.
5. Gary mentioned that he was going to bring Lopers registration forms to the upcoming running events around Southern Oregon such as the Couples Shuffle & the Pear Blossom. It was also suggested that the Lopers should see about having some of our local runs posted on the Southern Oregon Runners news letter that comes out six times each year.
6. Jon Osborne has offered to assist the Lopers in the development of a web site. He and Jeff Sparks will be working together over the next month (s) to put something together that will best represent the club. Here are a few things we can thing about as they begin to put this together.
a. What do we want the site to say?
b. What would we like it to do?
c. What information do we want to be on it? (Must haves?)
d. Do we want it to have a place to register to be members, or links to upcoming running and walking events?
e. Mission statement? Do we have one? Do we want one? Should it be on the site? What are something’s that should be on it?
f. Five year plan…where should the Linkville Lopers be in five years? Do we have a plan?
7. Deana Dixon commented that the Bidwell Classic in Chico California is March 6th and if anyone was interested to contact her at the Jungle Gym.
8. Race directors for all of the events this summer have been chosen. The Winter Wings Run and the Run for the Music are set and all the volunteers and requirements have been met for things to go smoothly. Chad Elbert volunteered to do the Spud run October 17, 2009. Homer said that Bob Freirich is the race director for the Ralph Hill 5k held in July 18,2009. Alexis volunteered to be the director of a 5k and 1-mile kids run in May. More on this event to come.
9. Homer and Gary met with the City officials concerning the Moore Mountain Run. The run is slated for September 19,2009. The run would consist of a trail ½ marathon, 5k and a children’s 1 mile. They are now looking into whom to contact for permission for locations where the run may go beyond Moore Park.
10. Gary also mentioned that one way the club could wave the cost of permits for the Moore Mountain Run (MMR) is the Moore Park Volunteer Day on May 16th form 9am to 12pm. This would be a great opportunity to get the Lopers name out there for a good cause not to mention benefiting the MMR. Alexis suggested that a kid’s run might be a good idea on that day as well. It was not decided if that was a possible option at this meeting. We will be having a sign up sheet for this volunteer day so check your calendars to see if you will be available to help this May 16th.
11. Homer spoke with Tom Hotman about the Lake of the Woods Run on June 6th. Tom said that Sky Lakes is on track to put on the race. Homer will sit in on the Sky Lakes meetings to see if there is anything they may need from the Lopers.
12. Vic mentioned that one-week before the Lake of the Woods run is a 5k called Hooty’s Hilledge 5k on May 30th
13. Training runs will begin in mid-march (or sooner if the daylight permits) from the Ella Redkey Pool. The training runs will consist of 45 minute to 1-hour long sessions that will begin with stretching and proper warm-up with the focus being completion of a 5k (possibly the Volunteer day at Moore Park or Hooty’s) in May or June. Runs will start at 5pm from the parking lot.
14. There was a brief discussion of a new logo for the club… Jeff Sparks has a good idea (simple and direct) If you have something you think might be worth looking at please let us know… It was also brought up that we might want to produce a calendar so people would know when and where the race events are going to be. Jon O had a great idea and we will be looking into it as we move forward…be watching for the Lopers Running Calendar.
15. The next Lopers meeting will be on March 11th at 7pm.

The meeting was concluded.

Winter Wings Results

Here are the results for the Winter Wings 3 mile run and 2 mile walk.

Good job everyone!

3 Mile Run

1.18:23 Steve Siders
2.18:43 Greg Christensen
3.21:20 Todd Yee
4.22:31 Susie Waugh
5.22:47 Denny Brumback
6.22:54 Vincent Daw
7.22:57 Marrin Collison
8.23:04 Eric Wakkuri
9.23:27 Janessa Taylor
10.23:47 Kara Ginestar
11.24:03 Tim Newham
12.25:51 Erin Burt
13.25:56 Pam Garich
14.27:10 Andy Sedlock
15.28:15 Lynette Martinez
16.28:16 Sam Laws
17.29:32 Rebecca Pierce
18.29:46 Peggy Blofsky
19.30:42 Laurie Goolsby
20.30:42 Emma Schnebly
21.30:54 Bert Gray
22.31:09 Nikki Elbert
23.31:10 Chad Elbert
24.32:58 Tonya Ginestar
25.32:58 Becky Hyde
26.33:37 Jack Hyde
27.33:43 Tammy Shuck
28.36:52 Missy Anderson
29.36:53 Brett Anderson
30.40:08 Signe Porter
31.40:11 Sharen Rea
32.46:06 Ira Stanley

2 Mile Walk

1.28:27 Lynn Armstrong
2.28:48 Judy Armstrong
3.29:16 Dan Shuck
4.29:44 Liz Hyde
5.29:45 Henry Hyde
6.30:53 Luther Horsley
7.32:24 Holly Benjamins
8.32:28 Valerie Scotton
9.33:00 Heather Grimm
10.33:01 Brian Grimm
11.34:16 Kim Gregg
12.34:36 John Boice
13.34:38 Susan Boice
14.35:03 Donna Willard
15.35:04 Renee Hansen
16.35:50 Skip Hall
17.37:12 Heidi Anderson
18.37:13 Mike Anderson
19.37:43 Millie Goolsby
20.38:12 Megan Kerekes
21.44:17 Levi Hyde
22.44:17 Taylor Hyde

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Linkville Lopers General Meeting

The next general meeting will be this coming Wednesday, February 11th at 7:00 pm, at the Jungle Gym 6th and Walnut.

Discussion topics will be upcoming runs; Winter Wings February 15; 3 Mile run and 2 mile walk. Run for the Music March 14; 10k, 5k, 1 mile and 1 mile children's run.

Other topics will be web design ideas, race directors, and updated bi-laws. If you have any ideas or comments we would love to hear from you.

Another exciting topic will be the Moore Mountain Run, scheduled for the 19th of September. This is early in the development stages, but looks like a half marathon and 5k trail runs and a 1 mile children's run.

Lots happening folks. Hope you can make the meeting.


Winter Wings Run

Come on out to the Miller Island Game Refuge February 15th for the Winter Wings 3 mile Run and 2 mile walk. Same day registration starts at 1:00 PM. The races will begin at 2:00 PM. T-shirts will be available.

For more information, contact John Sarabia at (541) 850-0975 or

Click here to see the official page.

Hope to see you there.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Linkville Lopers Running & walking Club
Linkville Loper Bi-Law Update Meeting

Type of meeting:
Review and update of Loper Bi-Laws


Homer Garich, Bob Freirich, Chad Elbert, Gary Smeltzer, Scott Murchensen, Jeff Sparks, & Jeff Franklin
1. Rewrite sections of the Loper Bi-Laws so they reflect the changes the Loper Club is experiencing as the club is evolving.

Old Business
New Business
A variety of changes were made to the Bi-Laws and will be reflected in the updated copy produced by Homer Garich the Lopers President. Homer will have a copy of the changes in the next few weeks.

The meeting was concluded.